Friday, 5 August 2011

this one was a bit up and down

So the lift challenge! 20 times up and down in the glass lift in the middle of the Harlequin. One fact I learnt about the lifts in the Harlequin is once a month they are serviced by a company who sends some people in to check out the lift... this only happens for an hour or so 12 times a year... and it just turned out that on the day I was doing this challenge it was also the day that this routine service was happening! After a few times of going up and down and seeing the guys checking the lift I thought I had to come clean! I explained that I was not crazy but in fact in the middle of a challenge! They could not continue with their work while people were using the lift... so they came up and down with me! It turns out a few people did the lift challenge!

I was joined by the lovely Helen Ruston for this challenge!

probably the most embaressing challenge yet!

So this challenge was set by J - you probably would not have guessed that! The challenge was to throw my knickers at a pop star! So... it was only right to do this at a time we were going to see JLS... and in true JLS fan style then it was only right to have the right colour! So yellow it was!

Each challenge needs a witness so it was only right to go with Heids and Lynds to this one! The location was decided upon - and outdoor gig in Essex (very fitting for this challenge I thought!) Heids and Lynds got in the queue at 7am in the morning so we could get near the front! And that is exactly what happened!  The only thing I was slightly shocked by on this one is 20,000 people there and yet I was the only person undertaking this endevour! (Someone said I should have gone to see Tom Jones if I had wanted to have company in doing this!)

After the throwing had taken place they remained at the front of the stage for the rest of the concert - and yes. all the boys did notice them... although they did not acknowledge them or mention anything.

This is my most embaressing challenge as yet!

have you got the x factor....?

So it turns out TV shows are a bit like buses... and offers to be the audience are now regulary coming my way via a variety of emails. So on this challenge I over achieved and went to see both The Rob Brydon Show and X Factor auditions.

At the Rob Brydon show we saw Chris O'Dowd and the band The Faces - it was an amazing time... and I would totally go and see this show live again. Then at X Factor we saw the first proposal during an audition and some amazing people get through... I look forward to seeing those who got through on the live shows later in the year!